Wednesday, 4 March 2009

two posts in one night...

Well here i am again....

I have been doing abit of research on the current environmental climate following a recent conversation with my tutor where he suggested instead of trying to tackle one area of environmental concern, i should try and gain an understanding of the overall picture. I'm hoping that this will give me an insight into how companies, specifically the commerce industry are using the current environmental climate to their advantage.

I came across an article on the Design Observer a few moments ago it looks
at how the plastic bag has become redundant in place of the 'canvas tote', i found it very intriguing that many designers had become interested in this product as a marketing tool. The author of the article makes an considered point when he says "The ensuing glut of these bags however raises questions about the sustainability of any product regardless of the intention behind it, and the role that design plays in consumption." Can sustainability lead to good design practice? Hmmmm.....

This article is very long winded and I will be honest, I have not had chance to read the whole article yet (but I will, I promise), a interview with Michael Pollan on the effects of Environmentalism!

This article from the Design Observer on recyclable products is amazing....this will be very useful for my spatial project. I like the idea of raising awareness within a supermarket setting of the different recyclable products. This is the ideal setting for this campaign and I think the designer, KT Meaney, has done a excellent job, as I think clear communication can often improve many problems within society.

That's all for now....

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