Saturday, 28 March 2009

exhibition design...

Just a bit of research into small exhibition displays/elements that may come in useful for when my project move towards the actual design of my installation piece...

I like how D8 Design Consultants have combined different types of media within this display system. By using clips they can easily change the images and text displayed.

I really liked the series of little cars on show in the background for the Smart IAA 2007 show. I am interested in using it as a system for displaying the latest 'Eco-cars' available, perhaps with a mini model of each car supplied by each company.

I thought these pods, designed by D'Art Design Gruppe for Grundig's IFA show in Berlin, used for the marketing of a new MP3 player were interesting... They may be useful if I decide to design specific spaces for each 'Eco-car' or perhaps as a space where the public can access general information in private.

I am hoping to engage the general public into leaving comments, so I really like the way Vitamin-e have used graphic speech bubbles in various colours and textures to express different points of view on a specific topic.

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