Friday, 27 March 2009

pretty cars...

Have found to different approaches to marketing the car within short videos...
The first promotional video is for the Toyota IQ, a new small, environmentally friendly car. This video uses attractive graphics and draws on the emotions of the consumer. By focusing on the feel of the car, the video portrays the 'ideal' and not the 'real'...

In contrast to the Toyota, the promotional videos for the Vauxhall Agila takes a more practical approach to selling. There are two videos labelled "Fit more into every day" and "Fit more into your work day".

"Fit more into every day" follows a typical day in the life of a stay-at home mum demonstrating how easy and practical it is for everyday use. Whereas "Fit more into your work day" follows a business woman's day showing that the car can also take on a professional look. The use of a women within the videos does tend to suggest a specific target market for this car... which is also seems to be reflected in its price.

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