Monday, 30 March 2009
nearly a waste of a day...
Unfortunately, none of our tutors turned up therefore as a group of students we took it upon ourselves to discuss and appraise the work we had produced... I found it extremely useful and got some really good feedback from the group about my latest visual statement. Overall they liked the idea and theme but felt that I needed more reference to what the installation piece might look like perhaps with a plan/section or ghost sketch behind whats shown below.
Sunday, 29 March 2009
act on co2...
There is a specific area within the 'Act on CO2' campaign aimed at reducing car emissions which is the area I will focus on. Currently there are TV, radio and bilboard adverts addressing the issue of buying fuel efficient cars. All the adverts feature a family facing issues with money and helping the environment, which I think helps the general public to relate to.
interesting sites...
John Tusa interviews exploring the creative process - Nicola brought these interviews with famous artists, architects, sculptures and composers to our attention on 16th February. There are some amazing interviews with my favourites being with Rachel Whiteread and Frank Gehry.
Stina Persson - Stella presented this artist on 16th February... She uses a variety of media including watercolour and cut paper for personal use and also for ad campaigns. I really like the image opposite because of the composition of text and images, something I'm trying to create in my visual statement.
Design Observer - Dominic showed the group this website on 23rd February and you will probably notice I have posted links already to several articles from this site. Its really useful for locating articles from different perspective on design.
The Photographic Dictionary - Emma presented this website on 2nd March. The site displays photos linked to different words... The image opposite depicts 'Breeze', I like it because of photos simplicity in communicating its message.
David Stark - Ashley presented this Events planner on 2nd March... David Stark uses a lot of recycled products within the events he creates. After further viewings of his website I found his blog which contained a post about how he and his team created items for the opening of a store out of cardboard boxes used for transporting other items within the store. This ensured there was no waste products from the opening.
There have been many more, but these were some of the main ones that stuck in my mind and may explore later as part of my continuing research...
Saturday, 28 March 2009
exhibition design...
I really liked the series of little cars on show in the background for the Smart IAA 2007 show. I am interested in using it as a system for displaying the latest 'Eco-cars' available, perhaps with a mini model of each car supplied by each company.
I thought these pods, designed by D'Art Design Gruppe for Grundig's IFA show in Berlin, used for the marketing of a new MP3 player were interesting... They may be useful if I decide to design specific spaces for each 'Eco-car' or perhaps as a space where the public can access general information in private.
I am hoping to engage the general public into leaving comments, so I really like the way Vitamin-e have used graphic speech bubbles in various colours and textures to express different points of view on a specific topic.the car - necessity or luxury??
For many, their main use of the car is for travel to and from work yet I'm sure most of those live within a suitable distance to travel by public transport. So really for these people, the car is a luxury that allows them the freedom to avoid the delays and expense of public transport. Admittedly I am one of these people, I regularly use a car to travel to and from university and work. However for myself, public transport is simply inadequate... with two trains an hour either way from the next village, travel by public transport is an inconvenience that would waste more of my time than it's worth!
I found an article regarding this topic from a surprising location... Is owning a car in the financial crisis a necessity? a blog post from Nemo personal finance. The post discusses whether cars are financial viable anymore and brings into question whether we still need them. It recognises that people living within different areas of the UK will have different requirements from the car, with those living in urban areas having less of a need compared to those in rural Britain.
I found the post very useful for putting your need for the car into perspective... It certainly made me think about what I currently use my car for and perhaps how I cut its use down. Maybe I could use public transport to commute to work??
planet green...
Read an article about "Why Do We Need More Electric Cars On The Road?"... it was extremely fascinating and talked about the benefits of electric cars. The language and design of the article is very simple and easy to understand which is good, as I have found that some articles tend to be very heavy on facts which can overwhelming. Despite being aimed towards the American public, I think anyone can benefit from the information within this article.
Friday, 27 March 2009
pretty cars...
The first promotional video is for the Toyota IQ, a new small, environmentally friendly car. This video uses attractive graphics and draws on the emotions of the consumer. By focusing on the feel of the car, the video portrays the 'ideal' and not the 'real'...
In contrast to the Toyota, the promotional videos for the Vauxhall Agila takes a more practical approach to selling. There are two videos labelled "Fit more into every day" and "Fit more into your work day".
"Fit more into every day" follows a typical day in the life of a stay-at home mum demonstrating how easy and practical it is for everyday use. Whereas "Fit more into your work day" follows a business woman's day showing that the car can also take on a professional look. The use of a women within the videos does tend to suggest a specific target market for this car... which is also seems to be reflected in its price.
Thursday, 26 March 2009
user-centered design...
With spatial design we have to be aware at all times of what the customer/user expects and requires of a space so we meets, fulfill and exceed those requirements...Hmmm, so much to think of!
Sunday, 22 March 2009
noah rose...
I really like the concept of this project as it has a similar idea to my own project, in the way an element appears in a public space overnight allowing the public to respond to it in their own time.
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
nothing related to space but i love it....
I have been a supporter of the Sheffield Steelers Ice Hockey team for 18 years and this year we won the BMI Baby Elite League!!! YEAHY.... At the weekend the team was presented with the trophy, it was such an emotional experience for me as a fan, one that will stay with me for a long time!
It made me think about a recent discussion during our Monday sessions at university, Ashley brought in a piece of artwork that he finds very precious and would never part with... It made me think about artefact's in my life that I could not part with. One collection would have to be my three Steelers replica shirts, despite having no value they hold many memories from games and events - reminding me of special moments in the teams history that I was present at.
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
something a little bit random...
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
installation art...
The 'To Do' project which uses post-it notes to create wall art is also very interesting... the project encourages people to write comments on the post-it notes. This could be useful within my design proposal as a tool for communication of ideas and thoughts.
Monday, 9 March 2009
its presentation time...
My research has lead me to believe that the car was a huge part of our past and will be a huge part of our future. This last image has been adapted from a Fiat advert to show that cars may change but our values and reliance on the car will remain the same.
something i found...
Sunday, 8 March 2009
We have a real problem with cars...
However in today's society, we are now seeing different images of the car. It has changed into a machine that is destroying the planet and consuming more of our energy and money than we can afford. Suddenly, everyone is concerned about 'going green' and how we can all do our bit to save the planet!
"The use of cars must be re-defined. Car use has to be considered a privilege, not a right. The cost of environmental damage and reclamation has to be added to the cost of owning and operating a car. Vehicle use should no longer be subsidized."
There are many suggestions and tips available to help the individual tackle climate change, however according to the DEFRA 2007 Survey of Public Attitudes and Behaviours Toward the Environment many people still feel "It takes too much effort to do things that are environmentally friendly" and "I don't believe my behaviour and everyday lifestyle contribute to climate change". It seems people are more willing to make sacrifices within the home, such as recycle more, not leave the TV on standby or switch lights off than they are to switch to a 'greener' car.
It is going to take a lot to persuade the modern consumer to part with their much loved car....
Saturday, 7 March 2009
alternative use for the car... (Accessed 07.03.09)
zaha hadid....
Zaha Hadid - BMW Plant, Leipzig . I really like this building, Zaha has used her strong architectural design to create a building that represents BMW's brand as unique and outstanding as the brand itself. They are extensions of the brand and form a further outlet for the brands identity.I have a real interest in buildings like this designed specifically for brands from my work during my undergraduate degree.
Thursday, 5 March 2009
environmental tips....
I've been doing some more investigating into tips for the modern consumer, here's what I've come up with:
- Reduce - Try to simplify your life as much as possible, only keep belongings that you use/enjoy on a regular basis.
- Reuse - Despite the media doing a great job at persuading us to buy new products, we already collectively own so much that we could all survive for a while on the existing products.
- Recycle - Create designated bins to recycle a much household waste as possible.
- Conserve Energy - Evaluate all your energy expenditures and decide where cuts can be made.
- Online Newspaper and Magazine Sources - Consider switching to online resources, to save on paper resources.
I suppose they are general tips to help, its up to each person to decide how far they are willing to go to improve their current situation and ultimately the environment.
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
two posts in one night...
I have been doing abit of research on the current environmental climate following a recent conversation with my tutor where he suggested instead of trying to tackle one area of environmental concern, i should try and gain an understanding of the overall picture. I'm hoping that this will give me an insight into how companies, specifically the commerce industry are using the current environmental climate to their advantage.
I came across an article on the Design Observer a few moments ago it looks at how the plastic bag has become redundant in place of the 'canvas tote', i found it very intriguing that many designers had become interested in this product as a marketing tool. The author of the article makes an considered point when he says "The ensuing glut of these bags however raises questions about the sustainability of any product regardless of the intention behind it, and the role that design plays in consumption." Can sustainability lead to good design practice? Hmmmm.....
This article is very long winded and I will be honest, I have not had chance to read the whole article yet (but I will, I promise), a interview with Michael Pollan on the effects of Environmentalism!
This article from the Design Observer on recyclable products is amazing....this will be very useful for my spatial project. I like the idea of raising awareness within a supermarket setting of the different recyclable products. This is the ideal setting for this campaign and I think the designer, KT Meaney, has done a excellent job, as I think clear communication can often improve many problems within society.
That's all for now....
well here goes...
im sure i will be back very soon with some more snippits and randoms words of wisdom!