Monday, 6 April 2009

the end....for a few weeks at least

Well today marks the end of this stage of my research... I'll be taking a break for a couple of weeks before using this research in my design project. What my design project will be, at this stage I'm not sure, hopefully in a couple of weeks I will have a clearer idea.

I have been pleased with the way my research has progressed. It has been an interesting challenge for me in comparison to research completed during my BA degree, where research was carried out to support design decisions. The research completed for my MA has been more focused around what I want, which I have found much more rewarding. I have been able to explore areas of design where I have limited knowledge and non-design areas that have taught me to think about the wider picture when considering design proposals.

The university sessions have helped my development substantially throughout this first stage of my MA. I have found the Monday sessions extremely helpful both for gaining new knowledge and for developing my communication skills which ultimately will become invaluable later on in my career. The regular tutorials with my tutor discussing the different areas of our research and receiving useful resources have also been beneficial. I have found that when I receive regular contact with a tutor I have more focus with my studies, as sometimes I lack the drive and motivation to continue with my research.

Overall, I am happy with the progress made during this first stage of research and I am thoroughly looking forward to developing a design project and strategy based around my research...

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