Sunday, 5 April 2009

achieving a few goals...

At the start of my MA, I set myself some goals within my Learning Agreement... A couple of these goals were long term however there are two that I hoped to achieve in a shorter period of time, and I have!

The first goal was;

- I would like to develop my communication skills which will help to increase my self confidence; Through group work which will encourage me to engage with other students from other courses, By actively take part in discussions, and by presenting my research findings to the group.

I feel I have made huge progress with my self confidence. This has been largely due to Monday morning's at University during our 'Show and Tell' sessions... I have had the opportunity to present articles and websites of interest to me and I have also been involved in several discussions regarding other students presentations. I believe they have helped to develop my communication skills because of the ethnic diversity of the group.

The second goal was;

- I would like to expand on my current research and enquiry techniques; By exploring new resources and developing a practice that extends the boundaries of my current work, and through discussions with fellow students from other disciplines regarding their chosen methods of research.

In terms of this goal, I believe I have made significant progress largely through the creation of this blog. The blog has allowed me easily mark and reference my research as I progress. The Monday sessions at University have also increased my awareness of what is available on the Internet. Also as a group, we have made a conscious effort to share and assist each other with our research projects now we are all aware of what each others projects are about.

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