As part of the module, I have to assess the goals I set myself at the the beginning of the term. After evaluating my goals, I believe I have managed to achieve one goal and partially achieved three others...
Goal One - I would like to develop my project and time management skills, as I also currently have a part-time job. By create a timetable of my free time so to make more effective use of it and ensuring I do not allow my part-time job to interfere with my studies.
Following a minor crisis last year towards the end of the term, where I really felt that my part-time job was affecting my work production, I feel that I have learnt from the experience and have ensured that I use all available time wisely. This has been aided with the use of a diary, where I keep track of events and deadlines, making sure I allow myself enough time to complete them. The diary has especially helped this term, as the other module (Applied Research & Enquiry) includes a heavily weighted group project which has required a vast amount of my time. I was very pleased with myself for meeting my printing deadline as I encountered problems meeting it last term.
Goal Two (Partially Fulfilled) - I would like to improve the delivery and content of my oral presentations. By asking for feedback following group and individual presentations so I can compare how I perform, by evaluating marks received for presentations. and by asking for advice from tutors and university staff.
I believe this to only be partially fulfilled, as despite gaining confidence with my oral presentations, I have not been pro-active in asking for advice. I believe my increased confidence has come from being more confident in my design proposal following several positive comments from my tutors and fellow students.
Goal Three (Partially fulfilled) - I want to improve my CAD skills. By learning a number of programs suitable for my studies, by ensuring I allocate adequate time to learn the program, and by keeping a record of work produced, I will be able to keep track of my progress.
During the course of this project, I have been able to develop my Photoshop skills and establish a better knowledge of AutoCad. I am particularly pleased with my progress on AutoCad, as it was a program where I had limited knowledge, however I have been able to produced detailed plans and sections of my design and print them to a designated scale. Despite this I am still hopeful to learn 3D Studio Max, as I believe adding this drawing program to my skills base will make me more attractive to future employees.
Goal Four (Partially fulfilled) - In a year’s time I hope to gain employment with a design agency focused around sustainability and environmentally friendly centred design. By completing my MA, by researching and completing a project based around an area within environmentally friendly design, and establishing contacts with related companies throughout my MA course.
I believe that the design project this term has helped me to focus my design interests, and narrow down potential options to explore within my thesis. I hope that by establishing myself with a speciality on temporary structures will help to maximise my ideal employment potential without narrowing down any design fields.
Thesis Proposal
For my thesis I intend to expand my current knowledge of temporary structures, however I would like to look at the carbon footprint of temporary structure used for different events such as music festivals, retail stores, exhibitions, and installations and compare them to their permanent counterparts to determine how eco-friendly they are and if not, what measure need to be taken to ensure that they are.
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