Tuesday, 16 June 2009

degree show 2009...

Last Friday 12th June, I went to the degree show at university...I found it a extremely rewarding experience as I was able to look at the different presentation techniques used. This is especially important at the moment, as I am starting to think about how I want my own project to be presented at the end. Below are a selection of images from work I found particularly interesting.

I really liked how the student has used tags to note the material information and show where the material will be used within the design.

I thought the composition and relationship between line drawing and materiality was really good in these images. It is a technique that may become useful within the presentation of my own project as materiality is a key component within my design.

I really liked how the student has over layed hand drawings with computer graphics to create a more personal and thoughtful visual.

Again I thought the way the student had ghosted specific elements of the design into this line drawing was very affective is describing the space.

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